Provider Contracts Toolkit

Information about our key messages, model of working and contract management.

Our Ways of Working

See the council's plans and priorities for inclusive growth, health, care and wellbeing and efficient and effective public services.

We also show how we approach adult social care with our model of working called Supporting Lives, Connecting Communities (SLCC) and what you can expect from adult care.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

In accordance with the Council’s Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) under the Equality Act 2010, ACS will work together with providers of care to support the principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. The PSED requires public authorities to have due regard to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, and
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

Incident Reporting

We are requesting that you use the online Provider Incident Reporting form below to report incidents that occur within your establishment that do not require a Safeguarding Concern to be raised. This process is purely to report information regarding incidents that you have considered are not a safeguarding concern and do not require a time critical response. 

Before completing the form, please check the Suffolk Safeguarding Adults Framework and Raising an Adult Safeguarding Concern Guidance to ensure this is an incident and not a Safeguarding concern. All safeguarding concerns should be reported in the usual way.

Once you have submitted the details of the incident it will be reviewed by ASC, if for any reason we feel this should be reported as a safeguarding you will be informed and ask to submit a referral in the normal way. We are aware in some cases incidents may not be regarding individuals, in these cases please input ‘N/A’ into the mandatory service user boxes. 

Contract documents

Service Delivery Supporting Documentation

Training and opportunities for providers not accredited with Suffolk County Council can be found here:

Digital Social Care Records (DSCR)

Please note that due to this programme ending on the 31 March 2025, there will be no more funding available to providers after this time.

In light of this, there will be a cut-off date for any new applications to ensure we have enough time to process applications, work with providers and ensure the grant can be paid. The cut-off date will be Monday 30 September 2024.

If this deadline passes, please get in touch with us via the below contact details and we will explore what options are available.

In the meantime, we will continue to support providers through this process and look forward to hearing from any providers which have not applied as of yet.

What is a DSCR?

A Digital Social Care Record (DSCR), alternatively known as an electronic care planning system, is an electronic record for recording a clients information.

A DSCR allows the digital recording of care information and care received by an individual, within a social care setting, replacing traditional paper records. DSCRs are person-centred and enable information to be shared securely and in real-time with authorised individuals across the health and care sector.

Recording this information in a DSCR enables improvements in the safety and quality of care and improve communication between adult social care and health settings. They free up time spent by care workers and managers on administrative tasks and make sure that everyone has the right information they need to deliver the best possible care.

The offer

Suffolk County Council have secured a fixed amount of funding from the NHS Transformation Directorate Digitising Social Care Programme to support the adoption of Digital Social Care Records (DSCRs) throughout both counties. We are working closely with Suffolk & North East Essex ICB and Norfolk & Waveney ICB to deliver the project.

We are now able to provide financial support by way of a one-off grant payment to support adult social care CQC registered providers to adopt a DSCR. The project will contribute to the continued development of the evidence base for digital social care records, evaluate the impact and share the benefits across our Integrated Care Board footprint.

Application Form

If you would like to find out more information and apply to for the grant, please download the application form, unless your premises falls within the Waveney area of Suffolk (e.g. Lowestoft, Beccles, Saxmundham etc). If so, please email who will be able to discuss their application process.

If you have any queries, please email or alternatively, please contact our Provider Relationship Officer, Gina Trimble who will be happy to assist.

Tel: 07874 795569        


Download the application form

Local Business Development

There are a number of organisations in Suffolk that are able to work with you to develop your business.

Care Development East provides information, advice guidance and training, supporting health and social care. 

Menta provide business advice, masterclasses, seminars and networking opportunities for new, emerging and established businesses and those considering self-employment. 

Suffolk Care Association (SCA) offers help, information, advice and guidance to providers of all types of care services in Suffolk. 

ICARE Campaign

Community Social Care branding to add alongside your existing logos.

Business Failure Procedure

This is what will happen if a care provider suddenly finds itself unable to care for its customers. 

Locality Homecare and Support Framework

Since September 2019, Adult and Community Services have been commissioning home care and support through its locality framework. Providers working within this framework can refer to the information below. 

Use the table and parish-level map to identify applicable prices.

This strategy sets out our vision for the Care and Support Market in Suffolk. It has been established as a 3-year strategy for the period 2021/22 to 2023/24 and aligns with Suffolk County Council’s Corporate priorities.

Suffolk Marketplace

The information and data included within these appendices is intended to underpin and substantiate the aspirations developed within the Care and Support Market Sustainability Strategy. The data is correct to the best of our knowledge at February 2021.