The following notes should assist you in the completion of the application form and the submission of supporting documentation. Each section relates to the same numbered section found on the application form:
Before starting
Certain structures and features may need consent and others may not. On top of this, some might instead need temporary consent. This helpful diagram (PDF, 39KB) shows examples from common works to watercourses to help make consenting a bit clearer. If you are unsure, please contact
1.0 Applicant
The name of the individual, organisation or company applying for consent should be given along with the name, address and telephone number of a person who can be contacted to discuss the proposals.
1.1 Applicants Interest in the Land
This should explain why the applicant wants to undertake the works.
2.0 Agent Details
Agents acting on behalf of an applicant should enter details. If this section is completed, all correspondence will be sent to the agent. Leave blank if not applicable.
3.0 Location of Proposed Works
The name of the watercourse as shown on the Ordnance Survey map should be given if known, (many minor watercourses are unnamed).
The location of the proposed works should indicate the nearest town/village, the address of the site or sufficient description to enable the site to be identified easily.
The Grid Reference must be provided as 6 figure Eastings and Northings: e.g 612345 212345
4.0 Description and Purpose of Proposed Works, Including Method Statement
In this section you should clearly describe the works you plan to undertake. This should include details on the materials you plan to use, the dimensions of the proposed structures or changes to the channel, and any other information which is relevant to the application.
The method statement should clearly define the way in which you plan to undertake the proposed works. This is best done by breaking down the proposal into stages and describing what will be done at each stage. We require some information on what health and safety measures you will have in place during construction, and what you will do to mitigate flood risk during construction where appropriate.
5.0 Plans, Sections and Pictures
All pictures, plans and drawings must include a title and reference number.
As a minimum, every application will require:
- Location Plan
- This should be based on an Ordnance Survey map and should show clearly the general geographic location of the site where the works are to be constructed.
- Site Plan
- This should be drawn to a recognised scale which must be clearly stated. Ordnance Survey maps or engineering drawings to a scale of 1:1250 or larger are recommended.
- Detailed drawings
- Plan(s), longitudinal, and cross section(s) showing details of existing and proposed features. Cross sections should be drawn looking downstream on the watercourse where appropriate. Measurements should be taken from hard bed level – this means that measuring from any silt which is already in the channel is inappropriate.
- Land surface contours, where appropriate.
- The materials to be used for any structures.
- The location of any proposed service pipes or cables which may affect the future maintenance of the watercourse.
- Details of any tree, shrub, hedgerow, pond or wetland area which may be affected by the proposed work.
- Details of any planting or seeding within the river channel to the watercourse within the floodplain.
- Bridges and culverts – Additional cross sections upstream and downstream of the proposed works are required sufficient for the average channel bed gradient to be determined.
- Dams and weirs – A plan showing the extent of the impoundment under normal and flood conditions is required in order to assess the possible impact on riparian owners.
- Mineral extraction/land filling – Contour surveys of the existing site are required in addition to details of the proposed filled site. Details of interim levels including temporary stock pile works are required where such works are in flood plain areas.
- Site Photos
- These pictures should clearly show the site in prior to any works taking place. They should show the area which you propose to work on from a number of different angles.
6.0 Construction details
Work which affect watercourses but are not permanent features will require temporary consent. These temporary features can be applied for in the same way as permanent features, and therefore you will need to indicate whether your proposals are temporary or permanent.
7.0 Impacts on the Natural Environment
This section aims to give us further information regarding the proposals’ effects on the surrounding natural environment. Please read this section carefully and answer the questions which are found on the form.
7.1 Evidence to Demonstrate no Harmful Effects on the Natural Environment
You only need to complete this section where all answers in section 7.0 are “No”. If you have answered “No” to everything in question 7.0, you will need to provide evidence that your proposals are not harmful to the natural environment. The best way to do this is by providing pictures and maps as well as a description for evidence that the proposal cannot damage the natural environment.
8.0 Permissions or Approvals
This may include other permissions or approvals from the Local Planning Authority (LPA), Suffolk Highways, or other statutory bodies. Please include details of whether you have already gained approval from other organisations for these works, or proposals to do so.
9.0 Are There Any Outstanding Conditions from the LPA Relating to Surface Water Drainage?
If there are outstanding conditions, please list them in this section.
10.0 Are the Works Associated with a Drainage Approval(s)?
If the proposals are associated with a drainage approval, please provide details
11.0 Emergency Contact Details for Contractors/Individuals Carrying Out Works
These are contact details we would use to alert the relevant contractors or individuals if there were an emergency during construction. We will not alert you that a flood is expected to happen.
12.0 Details of person or organisation responsible for maintaining the structure(s) on completion
Please provide the contact details for the person or organisation who will be responsible for the ongoing ownership and maintenance of the structure.
13.0 Checklist
Please ensure that all items in bold are submitted. If the required documents are not submitted, we will not process your application until the additional information is received. This will prolong the application process, and if the required documents are not submitted at all we will return your application to you without consent.
14.0 Fee
Each structure you propose will cost £50. For example, an application which proposes a single culvert and channel realignment would cost £100 since there are two permanent changes. Grouping several structures into one application will not reduce the total cost of the application.
Please note that a single culvert and associated headwall(s) is considered to be one structure since each element of the proposal is reliant on the other.
15.0 Declaration
Enter the value of the cheque submitted or the payment type requested. Arrange for the photographic evidence to be collected after completion. Sign and date the form.