Suffolk Police and Crime Panel

1. The Panel's Role and Functions

The Suffolk Police and Crime Panel (PCP) is responsible for supporting and challenging the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) over a range of policy areas, including the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan.

The Panel also has a role in the handling of complaints against the PCC and the confirmation of key staff posts within the Office of the PCC.

2. Panel Members

The Police and Crime Panel has 13 members in total, comprising:

The Panel is politically balanced, with the 11 local authority councillor representatives appointed to achieve political proportionality across Suffolk.

Panel Members


Sarah Mansel

Councillor Sarah Mansel (Green) - Mid Suffolk District Council

Vice Chair

David Ellesmere

Councillor David Ellesmere (Lab) - Ipswich Borough Council


3. Panel Meetings

The Panel will meet a minimum of four times a year.  Meetings are generally open to the public and will usually be held in the morning.

The papers and agendas for the meetings are available on our website five days before the meeting and will include venue details.

Panel meeting dates




Friday 11 October 2024 (webcast link) Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 9.30am

Monday 2 December 2024 (Chief Executive Confirmation Hearing) (webcast link)

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 2.30pm
Friday 31 January 2025 (webcast link) Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 9.30am
Friday 21 February 2025  Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 9.30am
Friday 14 March 2025 Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich  9.30am
Friday 18 July 2025 Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 9.30am

Dates will be subject to reconsideration by Council on 22 May 2025.  Additional meetings may be held to carry out confirmation hearings for the appointment of key staff in the PCC's office, or of a Chief Constable, and any such meetings will be added to this list.

Contact and further information

If you would like further information about the Police and Crime Panel please contact Democratic Services on tel. 01473 265119 or Email: