Suffolk Military Covenant: Mental Wellbeing

There are a range of statutory and voluntary sector mental wellbeing services and initiatives that the UK Armed Forces community can access.

The healthcare of serving UK Armed Forces personnel is provided by the Ministry of Defence (Defence Medical Services,) and by agreement with the NHS. For service spouses, dependents and veterans and families, healthcare can be accessed via local doctors, NHS, and direct referral to wellbeing related charities or not for profit sector organisations.

Mental Wellbeing

Good Mental Health and Wellbeing is important in order to feel good about yourself, to get the most out of your life and to feel connected to others. Good mental health and wellbeing is more than just feeling happy, it is about feeling able to cope when things get tough in your life or your physical health suffers.

Mental Wellbeing Services and Initiatives

Support for Substance Misuse and Recovery, and Gambling Support

Drug and Alcohol misuse are closely linked to personal health and wellbeing, often cited as masking mental health issues and has a wide range of negative impacts for individuals, families, affected others and communities. Suffolk Public Health commissions a range of local support and recovery services aimed at supporting people suffering from substance misuse.


We are a Suffolk based Social Enterprise, using coffee as a social and wellbeing engagement tool. Our Coffee Hub in Ipswich Town Centre and Café in Bury St Edmunds is where we serve coffee, but also use that contact to have conversations about wellbeing and promote support services available for veterans and their families.  We train aspiring baristas and support the skills and community engagement of veterans in custody - we have established coffee bean roasteries in local prisons which support veterans in custody.  We attend community events with our Combat2Coffee mobile units. Changing the world with one sip at a time! For further information visit our website and links to social media.