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A Devolution Deal for Suffolk

Suffolk County Council has been invited to enter into a new style of devolution deal with the Government – the County Deal.
Empowering Suffolk's Future

Suffolk County Council and the Government have signed a proposed, in principle, devolution deal which would transfer certain powers and funding from the Government to Suffolk. It would mean more decisions about Suffolk’s future being made in Suffolk, rather than nationally.

If the proposed deal is finalised, Suffolk would receive new decision-making powers and greater local control of funding in areas including adult education, regeneration and transport, as well as control of a new investment fund worth £480 million over the next thirty years.

For more information:

Have your say

The consultation document contains information about the proposed deal to help you complete the survey.

Hard copies of the consultation document and survey are available in all Suffolk library buildings or can be requested by contacting Suffolk County Council’s customer services team.

An Easy Read survey is also available.

If you need assistance with filling in the survey, please contact our customer services team.

It is standard practice for consultation responses from organisations (e.g. businesses and public sector bodies) and elected members (e.g. councillors) to be published as part of the full consultation report. Therefore, Suffolk County Council may quote directly from your response when reporting the outcome of this consultation. Please let us know if you feel there is any particular reason why you would not like us to publish your comments in the consultation report. We will consider any reasons when compiling the final report.