Development and Regulation Committee

This committee is responsible for making decisions on mineral and waste development planning applications, and other strategic developments in Suffolk.

It also:

  • determines action on the extinguishment/diversion of footpaths, bridleways, byways open to all traffic, restricted byways and unclassified unsurfaced roads and the creation of footpaths or bridleways and the conversion of footpaths into cycle tracks where there are objections to proposals for orders or court applications;
  • determines proposals for the modification of the definitive map and statement which could be the subject of appeal or orders; and
  • advises the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport with regard to objections to proposals for traffic regulation (including speed restrictions, on and off street parking and control of dogs) and makes recommendations as to whether or not orders should be made or other action taken.
  • determines applications in respect of common land or town or village greens under the Commons Act 2006 except in cases of voluntary registration under Section 15(8) of the Act.

Committee Members


Portrait of councillor Jenny Ceresa

Jenny Ceresa (Con)

Vice Chairman

Portrait of Cllr Peter Beer wearing grey jacket


Meeting dates

You're welcome to attend a meeting of the Development and Regulation Committee.

The papers and agendas for the meetings are available on our website five days before the meeting and will include venue details.

Committee meeting dates




Thursday 25 April 2024 (webcast link) Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich  10am
Tuesday 4 June 2024 (webcast link) Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 10am
Tuesday 16 July 2024 (webcast link) Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 10am
Tuesday 3 September 2024 Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 10am
Tuesday 22 October 2024 Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 10am
Tuesday 17 December 2024 Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 10am
Tuesday 4 February 2025 Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 10am
Tuesday 4 March 2025 Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 10am
Thursday 19 June 2025 Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich 10am

Dates after May 2025 will be subject to reconsideration by Council on 22 May 2025.

Contact and further information

If you would like to contact us, please email or call 01473 265119 from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5.00pm.