High needs funding consultation

Our consultation about improving our high needs funding systems ran from Wednesday 13 December 2017 to 9 February 2018.

This consultation has now closed.

We are asking for views on our proposals to reform the way in which education providers are funded for delivering high needs support to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). 

The requirement to improve our high needs funding systems is an objective within the 2017-20 SEND Strategy for Suffolk.

The proposal is to establish a fairer, more transparent and easily understood set of high needs funding policies. Funding is not being reduced, the consultation is to determine the fairest way to use the budget we have.

The proposals have been drawn up working with the Schools’ Forum High Needs Funding group. The group which has members from across a range of providers, has worked hard over the last six months to ensure that the proposals put forward acknowledge and respond to the needs of providers.

As the views of parents are an important part of this process, we are currently working with SPCN and SENDIASS to put together a consultation document specifically for families to explain the proposals. This will be available early in the new year. We will provide more information about how you can be involved in this consultation then.