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Consultation on Post-16 Travel Policy 2023/2024 School Year

Local Authorities have a duty to publish their Post-16 Travel Policy by 31 May annually for the school year commencing the following September.

Between 16 January and 27 February 2023, we are seeking your views about our proposed Post-16 Travel Policy for the 2023/2024 school year.

We are proposing to:

  • Increase the charge of Post-16 Travel 2023/2024 by £10 per term / £30 per year for mainstream and SEND travel.
  • Provide a 50% reduction on the new charges for families in receipt of Free School Meals.

There are no further proposed changes being made to the policy.

Annual increase to the charge of Post-16 travel and cost of a spare seat

In line with the Cabinet decision made in June 2018, there is an annual increase to the charge we make for Post-16 students who use Suffolk County Council travel.

Whilst we will continue to offer this service at a subsidised rate, the increase is designed to close the gap between the actual cost to the local authority of providing this transport and what is paid by parents/carers or students.

We are proposing to limit the increase to £10 per term for mainstream students and for students who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), meaning the charge of travel for 2023/2024 will be:

  • £960 for a mainstream student (reduced to £480 for families in receipt of Free School Meals)
  • £780 for student who has SEND (reduced to £390 for families in receipt of Free School Meals).

For those on low income, an application can be made via the student’s Post-16 provision for support through the 16-19 Bursary Fund.

You can give your views on the policy by:

Please respond by no later than 5pm on Monday 27 February 2023.