Our Service Plans

View our 2024-2025 Service Plan, Community Risk Management Plan, Statement of Assurance and our Efficiency and Productivity Plan

Community Risk Management Plan

Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service regularly assesses all foreseeable fire and rescue service related risks that could affect how we respond to emergencies and how we undertake Prevention and Protection activity, in line with the Fire and Rescue Services National Framework 2018.

On 21 February 2023, the Suffolk County Council Cabinet considered the final draft of the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP).

The Service Plan will help the service deliver the five priorities as set out by the Fire Authority in the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) 2023-27.

It details how we will structure our organisation, provide governance, and monitor our performance.

This plan is supported by our four areas of focus that are supported by our Team Plans for functional support teams and Local Risk Management Plans for fire stations.

This plan will help everyone to understand how we will be Swift to Serve so Suffolk is a place where people lead safe and fulfilling lives through doing the basics brilliantly.

Team and Local Risk Management Plans

At team level, we have developed Team Plans. These are plans for the functional areas of our service.

Within the Team Plans are the agreed objectives on which teams will deliver, based on the direction given in the CRMP and areas of focus.

For our fire stations, we have Local Risk Management Plans (LRMPs), these are the Team Plans for each fire station. Within the LRMPs, there will be Service led objectives and locally led objectives based on the Services strategic objectives and based on the Community Risk Data Set, local knowledge, and partner data.

Annual Statement by the Chief Fire Officer and the Cabinet Member for Suffolk County Council on Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service.

Fire and Rescue Authorities must provide annual assurance on financial, governance and operational matters.

They must also show how they have due regard to the expectations set out in their integrated risk management plan and the requirements included in the Framework.

To provide assurance, fire and rescue authorities must publish an annual statement of assurance.

The Statement of Assurance was agreed through the Suffolk County Council Audit Committee at its meeting in November 2020.

Productivity and Efficiency Plan 2024-2025

This Efficiency and Productivity plan details how Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service aim to deliver efficiencies and increase productivity in 2024/25.

In 2024 Fire Services that fall under the governance of County Councils were asked to produce a Productivity and Efficiency Plan. This Productivity and Efficiency Plan will help the NFCC, LGA and Home Office collate evidence and to assess the progress at national level against spending review goals.