Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Plan 2024-2025

The Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Plan 2024-25 summarises progress made during the past year and sets out priorities for forthcoming years.

Our 2024-2025 Service Plan is coming soon. Please check back shortly.

The primary role of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service is to deliver effective Prevention, Protection and Emergency Response services. We provide emergency services to the communities of Suffolk and its visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The work we do to reduce fires and fire-related deaths and injuries is a major contribution to reducing risk in the community and making Suffolk safer. 

Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service has built up a reputation locally, regionally and nationally for high performance whilst remaining one of the most cost-efficient services in the country, through continuously improving what we do and how we do it.  

Our plans for 2024-2025 build on this reputation by delivering a range of work against each of our priorities which support our ambition of Suffolk being 'a place where people live safe and fulfilling lives'.

A number of different factors, both national and local, influence what the Fire Service does.

At a national level, the National Framework Document for the Fire and Rescue Service sets out the government's expectations for the Fire and Rescue Service. This framework, together with the Fire Service's statutory responsibilities, plays an important role in what the Fire Service does.

At a local level the Suffolk Community Strategy 'Transforming Suffolk' 2008 to 2028 (PDF, 1MB) sets out how local authorities in the county, including the County Council and Fire and Rescue Service, along with Police, Health and other agencies will tackle the problems and opportunities facing Suffolk between now and 2028. As part of Suffolk County Council, we work within the larger organisation towards the overarching objectives, shown in Suffolk County Council: Our Priorities 2017-2021 (PDF, 1.8MB).

The views of the community have a clear impact on what Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service decide to do. These views are captured through the consultation that supports our Integrated Risk Management Planning process.

Our priorities

The Suffolk County Council Priorities and Business Plan were agreed through the administration in 2017/18 and set out 3 priorities for Suffolk for the next 4 years.

Inclusive growth

Suffolk needs to improve its economic productivity, level of educational attainment, and build more homes- ensuring that everyone benefits, including people who are vulnerable and facing disadvantage.

Health, care and wellbeing

Caring for Suffolk's vulnerable residents, enabling everyone to live long, healthy and fulfilling lives. Thriving families and communities and thriving economies support each other.

Efficient and effective public services

At a time of diminishing resources, increasing demand and changing customer expectations, we need to change the way we operate to meet our customers' needs and balance our budget.