Proposed speed limit extension - Fishponds Way, Haughley

Our consultation on the proposed extension of the speed limit along Fishponds Way, Haughley

Suffolk Highways is proposing to extend the existing 30mph speed limit on Fishponds Way in Haughley by 160m, approximately making the total extents of the speed limit 622.6m. The current speed limit on Fishponds Way runs from the north side of its junction with St Mary’s Avenue to a point 54.8m south east of its junction with Windgap Lane; approximately 462.6m total distance.

This change has arisen due to a proposed new residential development and will ensure safe access and egress from the development. It will also ensure that the speed limit is appropriate for the character and nature of the route.

The proposed speed limit extension plan (969KB)

Have your say

If Suffolk Highways receive positive feedback to these proposals, then this will be legally advertised later in the year and you will have the opportunity to formally object to the scheme or make formal representation of support. We would advise that this is an informal public consultation and we are seeking your views and comments only.

Should you have any comments regarding these proposals, please contact us at by Friday 19 March 2021.