Supporting people at risk of radicalisation

Find out how to help people in Suffolk who could be vulnerable to radicalisation.

We have a duty as a local authority to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

Suffolk County Council works with partners in Suffolk to provide support to individuals who have been identified as being at risk.

Prevent Strategy

Prevent is about stopping people from being radicalised and becoming terrorists supporting terrorism.

At the heart of Prevent is safeguarding children and adults, and providing early intervention to protect and divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity.

Safeguarding vulnerable people from radicalisation is no different from safeguarding from other forms of harm.

If you have concerns about anyone, please contact adult social care (Customer First).

You can also find practical help and guidance from the ACT Early website which provides a wealth of information relating to online radicalisation and spotting the signs of radicalisation.

Guidance for professionals

If you have an urgent safeguarding situation that presents an imminent risk to a child, please call Customer First on 0800 917 1109.

For non-urgent prevent referrals, please complete the National Prevent Referral form on the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership website.


Find out how to contact Customer First quickly and securely using live chat.

You can also find options to help yourself online, and phone us if needed.