Moving to or away from Suffolk

Find out how you can continue to receive social care services when you move to or away from Suffolk, known as continuity of care.

What is continuity of care?

Continuity of care is when you receive care and support from one council in England, and you move home to another area without a break in your care.

If you’re moving to a different area

Let us know you are moving away from Suffolk so that we can start the continuity of care process.

You can contact adult social care services to start this process.

We will send your new council your:

  • care and support plan
  • carer’s support plan if they are moving with you

Your new council will talk to you before you move about the support you and your carer may need. They may visit you in your new home to see if your needs have changed after moving.

If you’re moving to Suffolk

Speak to your current council who will start the continuity of care process.

They will make us aware that you are moving to Suffolk as part of the transfer process.