COVID-19 advice for carers

Find guidance for family carers in Suffolk relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Information can be found via Suffolk Family Carers, including COVID-19 information.

We’ve highlighted some further sources of useful information below:

Guidance for carers

Register with your GP to receive your COVID-19 vaccination as a carer - as quick as possible.

Further information is available for carers via the main Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) vaccination pages.

Community-based support

You can find information related on relevant on community-based support for family carers via the Suffolk Family Carers community support groupsAlzheimer's Society also have details of local support groups for people with dementia and their carers.

Advance planning

The following information highlights the importance of putting together plans and information in advance to help support your caring role.

Contacting social care services in an emergency

If you're unable to arrange alternative care in an emergency you can contact Customer First.

This is for issues that directly relate to the person's care and support, usually only when you are the main carer providing personal care.  

Please contact Customer First online by webchat. It's quick, secure and when you contact us you'll be treated with respect. If you're unable to use webchat or your emergency occurs out of hours and cannot wait until the next day please call 0800 917 1109.