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Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) 2023-2027

About the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP)

Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service regularly assesses all foreseeable risks that could affect its operations.

On 21 February 2023, the Suffolk County Council Cabinet considered the final draft of the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) along with the findings from the public consultation, which closed in December 2022, and agreed the CRMP for 2023-2027.

In addition to the substantive CRMP itself, the consultation included questions about five specific proposals related to:

  • Updating how response times are reported to include from the time of call and focus on the areas of highest risk, such as dwelling fires.
  • Addressing climate change to support Suffolk County Council’s ambition to be a carbon-neutral authority by 2030, with a view to introducing more non-fossil fuel vehicles in the fleet.
  • Developing preventative safe and well visits, including continued work with the National Farmers’ Union to tailor advice to rural and farming communities.
  • Assessing how the service works with partner agencies, such as supporting the ambulance service, when appropriate and if capacity and resources allow for this.
  • Reviewing the recruitment and retention of on-call firefighters and specialist support staff to ensure Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service remains a diverse employer of choice.

Work on each of the proposals will now take place in the four years through to 2027 and will include further staff engagement, as well as being informed by the consultation responses.